You’ve landed on Amalgamated Idiosyncrasies and Intangibles, my blog about photography, the creative life, and whatever else happens to pop into my head at any given moment. I have a lot of stories to tell, and I hope to bring some of them to life here.
I teach an “Advanced Digital Camera” (ADC) workshop at New England School of Photography (NESOP) in Boston. I am also about to start a gig writing camera reviews and video tutorials for a great new digital photography site called digitalcamerainfo.com (DCI- so many acronyms!). Prior to that, I was a commercial photographer for 25 years, the last 11 of which were at Filenes, where I was a digital advertising photographer and assistant studio manager. I’ve been around the block a few times and pretty much lived to tell about it, always with a camera in my hand. And I’ve suffered the growing pains of someone who learned photography the old-fashioned way, then had to learn it all over again to continue working professionally in the digital age, and then had to REALLY try to learn it in order to help other folks learn how to do it.
I hope to use this blog, in part, as a teaching tool for my NESOP workshops. My intention for this is twofold; first, to be used by me as a way to expand each week's classroom discussion, and second, for current and former students (and their instructor) to continue to contribute to and benefit from the learning experience.
Starting with the Summer 2007 semester, in addition to this blog, the workshop will be supplemented by a new Flickr photo-sharing site. You will be able to see all of the photos from each week's shooting assignments, make comments on your fellow students' work, and even link your own Flickr account to the workshop's site if you'd like. Current students will receive information on how to use the site during our first classroom session; former students will be invited to join the site by e-mail. Many thanks to Jenny Chang (ADC Spring 07) for helping me to get all of this started.
The summer semester starts June 25, and ADC meets every Monday night for 10 weeks. Remember, parking is a challenge in Kenmore Square when the Sox are at home (July 2, July 16, and August 13), so plan ahead— arrive early or take the T!
I'm looking forward to the new semester, new students and sharing stories and information on this new blog. Thanks for reading.
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